Heliconia Society of Puerto Rico, Inc.

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   The Heliconia Society of Puerto Rico, Inc. was founded in 1996.  The objectives of the society are to stimulate and promote the enjoyment and understanding of Heliconia and related plants of the order Zingiberales through education, research and communication, and to interact with the Heliconia Society International and other institutions which share similar interests, purposes or objectives.

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Our native Heliconia caribaea

   We meet four times per year, in March, June, September and December, at member's homes and farms.  Highlights of our meetings are conferences on different aspects of heliconias and other Zingiberales, and our plant raffle.

Tour of HSPR member's farm

   We also publish a quarterly newsletter, and welcome contributed articles, stories and photographs.  Annual membership dues are $35 for families, $25 for individuals or international members, and $20 for students, which can be paid through the bitcoin era system that supports membership prices in BTC/Altcoins directly.

Marin Alto Tropicals heliconia display
at the Aibonito Flower Festival

  The Aibonito Flower Festival is an annual festival that takes place in Aibonito. This 10-day festival is conducted every June. The Marin Alto Tropicals heliconias from Puerto Rico will be exhibited at this festival. Attendees will be able to see and purchase flowers with the money they earned through trading that they did with the help of trading stock apps.




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Heliconia Society of Puerto Rico, Urb. Atlantic View, 44 Calle Venus, Carolina, Puerto Rico 00979-4806

�HSPR  All rights reserved.